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Thursday, October 31, 2013

5 Fun Weight Loss Exercises That Will Help You Get Slim

Doing weight loss exercises on a regular basis is an important part any weight loss plan, especially if you want to get slim, feel good and KEEP the weight off. If you go on any diet without including a sensible weight loss exercise plan, you'll have to severely limit your caloric intake. Doing so will make you feel miserable most of the time, and that's a recipe for failure!

The good news is, weight loss exercises don't have to bore you to tears. You don't have to walk on a treadmill endlessly or run 10 miles a day. In fact you shouldn't do the same exercises every day because you'll eventually become bored and start slacking off. The next thing you know you'll be back to your old habits.

Here are five weight loss exercises you can integrate into your weight loss plan. They'll help you get slim, stay that way and make your workouts something you'll look forward to.

1. Play Golf.

Playing golf is not normally a physically demanding activity. But you can turn it into a good workout by walking briskly to each hole. After 18 holes of golf without a cart, you'll feel great.

2. Go Hiking.

Everyone should head for the woods once in awhile. What could be better than hiking in a peaceful, scenic area and observing wildlife.

3. Go Dancing.

If you like to dance, this won't even be like working out. Dancing is also good for the mind since it's a social activity. Most communities have dance classes available.

4. Go Swimming.

There are few activities that work the muscles in your body like swimming does. It's also good for the lungs. Find an indoor pool close to home so you can swim all year.

5. Start Lifting Weights.

Most experts now agree that weightlifting is one of the best weight loss exercises because it not only burns calories, it helps maintain lean muscle mass. This is especially important as you get older.

These are just a few of the many weight loss exercises you can do that will help you get slim, stay slim and and make you a healthier, happier person. Feel free to add your own ideas to the list. The number of ways you can make your daily workouts more interesting and exhilarating is only limited by your imagination.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Exercise At Home

Biggest Loser Contestant Recommends Weight Loss Product

A company called O3 World has introduced a new weight loss product that many people are taking and seeing the inches come off. Heather Hanson from show "The Biggest Loser" said that this product is the only weight loss product that works because it gives her the portion control that she needs.

The product is called "FORM" and it was created by a medical doctor. Each FORM capsule uses pure FDA-compliant hydrogel technology. When a FORM capsule is ingested by an individual, hundreds of microbeads are released and expand in the stomach. These microbeads absorb 500 to 1,000 times its weight in water in just a couple of minutes. The benefits of using FORM is that it is natural, there are no harmful stimulants, and there are no unpleasant side effects.

So before a meal, individuals take a capsule or 2 of FORM and the microbeads will expand in the stomach promoting the release of a hormone that signals the hunger center in the brain to suppress their appetite. Once they are ready to sit down and eat, they are not as hungry and they have portion control. Fewer calories means weight loss.

There are no known side effects of FORM and it does not clog up ones system but instead promotes regularity. The micorbeads are extremely slippery and do not even get absorbed in the body. FORM is designed to behave like many natural foods and it passes through the GI tract undigested.

O3 World has also created meal replacement shakes called FIXX that is packed with nutrition. Many people drink these on the go because it is a quick and easy way to get nutrition in and many people are pressed for time. Some ingredients are organic chocolate, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, probiotics, digestive enzymes, protein, and even a fruit and vegetable blend.

O3 World is revolutionizing the weight loss world.

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